Breaking the Taboo: A conversation about patient-care models Recorded webinar

With our ever growing, ever ageing population coupled with improvements in diagnostic and treatment techniques, the NHS, particularly in Ophthalmology, is facing a difficult future. This recorded lecture discusses the advantages that the provision of enhanced services and technology in the primary care environment can provide for both patient and practice and how this subsequently enhances the provision of services in the secondary care setting. The focus will be primarily on OCT and UWF imaging. We will look at how investment in equipment can grow business and how this equipment can be funded, marketed and made profitable. Improvements in technology and electronic communication also facilitate the sharing of clinical information and thereby provide the opportunity to improve patient management through mentoring and the development of virtual clinics.

The following lectures from this series are also available:

An introduction to Ultra-Widefield

Technology to improve patient outcomes

Ultra-widefield retinal imaging

New technology - New pathology

CPD Points: 1 credits: 1

Expiry Date: 31/12/2024

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