Facial Skin Lesions Recorded Webinar

Optometrists and Dispensing Opticians see lots of patients every week. When performing an eye examination, the Opticians Act requires that optometrists ‘examine the eye and its surroundings’ for abnormality or disease. Dispensing, fitting and adjusting spectacles also provides a good opportunity to spot unusual lesions on the skin around the eyes, face and ears. As clinicians dealing with the public and, in particular, an elderly population you are likely to see facial skin lesions regularly. Knowing which lesions need to be referred, which can be dealt with cosmetically and which are best left alone can be of great benefit to you and the patient.

This recorded webinar will describe the most common skin lesions you are likely to come across and explain how to manage them. The description for each condition is supported by photographs of the different presentations. Conditions covered include Basal cell carcinoma, actinic keratosis, seborrhoeic keratosis, lentigo, milla, benign melanocytic naevus (mole), molluscum contagiosum and malignant melanoma.

This recorded webinar accompanies the article on the same topic. Complete the article on our website here.

CPD Points: 1

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Expiry Date: 31/12/2024


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