Talking Unicorns: Paediatric Optometry Made Easy Recorded Webinar

This recorded lecture will address some of the barriers that prevent optometrists from feeling confident about managing children’s eyecare. Optometrists often mention concerns about knowing when and what to prescribe to children. Oftentimes we have a lot of the knowledge but a lack of practical experience and application. The aim of this webinar is to provide some of the tools to make it easier to manage those preschoolers, or amblyopes, or young myopes. Paediatric eye care can be fun and it is an opportunity to make a real difference.

This recorded lecture will discuss age-appropriate visual acuity charts, age norms for refractive error and visual acuity. We will delve into what and when to prescribe during childhood. It will touch on amblyopia management, and the benefits of contact lens fitting for children. Tools and tricks of the paediatric optometrist will be shared.

CPD Points: 1 credits: 1

Expiry Date: 31/12/2024


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